Software engineer (L6)RipplingJuly 2022 - Present Working on the Frontend side of Spend management suite for Rippling's finance product. Tech stacks used: React with typescript, Playwright for e2e test and Jest with RTL for unit testing
01.Screamers A social media clone made with React(hooks) and firebase cloudstore as backend. Redux is used for state management. After authenticated user can like,comment on other user's posts and also would receive notification when liked or commented. ReactReduxfirebasegithub repolive demolike,share,comment
02.Reddit Reddit clone developed using NextJs for UI and Nodejs as backend. MongoDb with mongoose ORM is used to data storage. Next V10 Image is used for image optimisation. Authentication is enabled with validation and authenticated users can create community/posts/upvote/downvote/upload images and much more. Tailwind CSS is used for designing, responsiveness and automatic detection of dark mode. ReactNextjsNodejsMongoDBgithub repolive demolike,share,comment
03.Agape Cafe Cafe site built using Gatsby and Contentful CMS. Users can order products and Snipcart has been enabled to handle the payments. Formspree is used to receive compliments/complaints from the customer. GatsbyContentful CMSSnipcartFormspreegithub repolive demolike,share,comment