16 projects tagged with React
- Social Media website done using React and graphQL.
- User can post and other users are able to like,comment for the same.
- Authentication is done using JWT token.
- MongoDb is used for data storage.
- GraphQL is implemented for data fetching.
02.Coders Blog
- A blog site made with Gatsby using the markdown files along with pagination.
03.Fond Memories
- Fond memories is a React app used to save your good memories.
- Users can create an account and save,like,delete,update their memories.
- AWS S3 is implemented for image upload to save your picture as souvenir.
- Authentication and server-side validation is enabled.
- Google authentication is also enabled to signin blazingly fast.
- Nodejs is used for fetching Data from MongoDB.
- React Material-ui is used for responsiveness.
- Food website done using React and firebase.
- User can order foods from their favourite hotels.
- Authentication is done using Firebase.
- Use email:susee@gmail.com pass:susee1 or create your own account.
- Redux is implemented for state management.
- Seperate orders section is available for each users to view their orders and sometimes to modify orders.
- ChartJs is implemented to view their orders based on hotels,date and month which gives a cool user experience.
- Dark Mode enables users to view seamlessly in dark environment.
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