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  1. Food website done using React and firebase.
  2. User can order foods from their favourite hotels.
  3. Authentication is done using Firebase.
  4. Use pass:susee1 or create your own account.
  5. Redux is implemented for state management.
  6. Seperate orders section is available for each users to view their orders and sometimes to modify orders.
  7. ChartJs is implemented to view their orders based on hotels,date and month which gives a cool user experience.
  8. Dark Mode enables users to view seamlessly in dark environment.
06.Fun shop
  1. E-commerce site done using React and Nodejs.
  2. User can post,delete,update products and other users are able to buy for the same.
  3. Authentication is done using JWT token.
  4. Redux(Redux-saga) is used for state management.
  5. MongoDb is used for data storage.
  6. Stripe is used for payment management(use 4242 4242 4242 4242 for card number).
08.Insta React
  1. Insta React is instagram-like site built with React.
  2. Redux is used for store and image upload is done with AWS-S3 as bucket.
  3. Apollo GraphQL is implemented for querying data from DB.
  4. MongoDb with mongoose ORM is used as DB.
  5. Client side validation done using React hook form.
  6. Authentication is enabled with validations and Google captcha is also implemented.
  7. Material-ui react is used for styling.

Made with 💖 by Suseendhar Lal