13 projects tagged with Nodejs
- Shopping cart site developed using React.
- Redux(redux-saga) is used for store management.
- Context-Api is used for switching the site's theme.
- Authentication is enabled using JWT Token.
- Client side form validation done using React-final-forms.
- GraphQL is used to manipulate data.
- MongoDb is used as DataBase to store data.
- Reactflix is a cloned copy of Netflix built using React.
- GraphQL is enabled for fetching data.
- Authentication is achieved using JWT token.
- Client side authentication is done using React-Final-Forms.
- Authenticated user's can add/remove their favourite movies to/from their list.
- Owl Carousal is enabled for image slideshow.
- MongoDb is used as DB for storing user's credentials.
- Reddit clone developed using NextJs for UI and Nodejs as backend.
- MongoDb with mongoose ORM is used to data storage.
- Next V10 Image is used for image optimisation.
- Authentication is enabled with validation and authenticated users can create community/posts/upvote/downvote/upload images and much more.
- Tailwind CSS is used for designing, responsiveness and automatic detection of dark mode.
12.Vue-graphql Kart
- E-commerce site built using Vue3 composition Api.
- GraphQL is used for quering data from database.
- MongoDB is used as Data base.
- Authenticated users can create,edit,delete,buy products and add to cart for later use.
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